PT AGFA Selaras Pratama didirikan  pada 27 November 2020

  • Rental Air Compressor
  • Service Air Compressor
  • New Units Air Compressor
  • Used Air Compressor
  • Sparepart Air Compressor
  • Service Air Compressor
  • Receiver Tanki
  • Instalation Piping
  • Rewending Motor



IFTAR 2023


Pada awalnya perusahaan memulai usaha dibidang supplier Chemical untuk cleaning oil cooler compressor angin dengan  berbadan hukum CV.GUNUNG SELATAN SEJAHTERA. Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu pada tahun 2012 kami mulai  mengembangkan usaha yaitu di bidang Rental Screw Air Compressor portable dan terus berkembang untuk Compressor stationary di  segmen industrial, meliputi Rental unit compressor, dryer, Service & part All Brand, penjualan unit baru, compressor spare part, rewinding motor, Metal Spray dan tentunya tidak tertinggal penyediaan Chemical.


Rental Air Compressor

Need compressed air for your project or operation? Renting an air compressor can be cost-effective and efficient. We offer a wide range of high-quality compressors, flexible rental terms, and expert installation, maintenance, and repair services. Get the compressed air you need without the hassle of buying and maintaining your own equipment.

Service Air Compressor

Service air compressor is crucial to keep compressors running reliably. Services include maintenance, repairs, and upgrades to prevent downtime. Service air compressor offers customized service plans with preventative maintenance, troubleshooting, and upgrades. Trusting the experts at service air compressor gives you peace of mind, so you can focus on your business.

New Units Air Compressor

Introducing our new air compressor! It's built with advanced technology for maximum efficiency and performance in industrial settings. It delivers reliable compressed air at a steady flow rate, making it perfect for powering pneumatic tools and equipment. Its compact size and user-friendly controls make it easy to install and operate, allowing you to get to work quickly and efficiently.

Used Air Compressor

Check out our selection of used air compressors! Our pre-owned compressors are carefully inspected and refurbished to ensure quality and performance. They're available in various sizes and configurations to suit your needs, and priced competitively to offer great value.

Sparepart Air Compressor

Maintaining an air compressor is essential for ensuring optimal performance and efficiency, and having access to high-quality spare parts is crucial. From belts and filters to valves and pumps, a wide range of spare parts is available to meet the specific needs of different compressor models.

Transportasi PT Agfa Selaras Pratama

Transportasi Standby 24 Hours

Service Air Compressor

Diesel generators are a reliable and cost-effective backup power solution. They convert diesel fuel to electrical energy, making them efficient and durable. With various sizes available, they are suitable for homes and businesses, as well as remote locations.


Reliable Service

Kepuasan pelanggan adalah prioritas utama kami

On Time Delivery

Pengiriman tepat waktu untuk kebutuhan Anda

Affordable in Cost

Kualitas tinggi, biaya terjangkau

Result Oriented

Kami fokus pada hasil untuk keberhasilan bersama


Untuk menjadi mitra bisnis dan perusahaan yang terbaik, penuh tanggung jawab dan terpercaya dalam bidang supplier  (Unit Baru & Spaepart), Jasa Service , Rental, Installasi Air Compressor dan Air Dryer.


Untuk Mencapai Visi Perusahaan, Kami akan selalu melakukan perbaikan yang berkesinambungan dengan melakukan hal – hal sbb:

  • Melakukan benchmarking untuk menjadi lebih baik dari yang terbaik
  • Selalu melayani dan mendedikasi yang terbaik kepada semua pelanggan kami
  • Menghargai semua staff dan pekerja kami
  • Menjadi perusahaan yang ramah lingkungan.



021- 82631163

Jl. Siti 1 No.27, RT.002/RW.008, Mustika Jaya, Kec. Mustika Jaya, Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17158